Friday, October 18, 2013

November Product Giveaway!!!

As a stylist I'm asked quite often what my absolute favorite product is. Before I started using this product my answer was always "there isn't one product that's perfect for
everyone, everyone has a different hair type and it depends on what style they're wanting to
achieve." Then I found out about Small Talk...
(Go to Hair tips to read more about this amazing product)
Giveaway details:
 You can get an for each of the following that you do
1. Like my Facebook page Alyssa Warner Hair Design (Comment below saying "Liked")
2. Follow my blog (Comment below saying "followed"
3. Refer your friends (Each friend that comes in for an appointment and
mentions your name gets you an entry.
4. Advertise through Social Media, give me a shout out on facebook, post a picture of your hair after I've done it and tag my page on facebook, (Comment below saying "Tagged") 
5. Follow me on Instagram alyssahairdesign (comment below saying Instagram)
6. Post a picture on Instagram after I've one your hair #hairbylyss (Comment below #)
7. Book in advance, each time you book your next appointment before you leave the salon you'll receive another entry.
6. Share this post on facebook and receive an entry (Comment below saying shared)
You can have multiple entries each month and each month will be a new drawing.
Check out the CLIENT REWARDS tab for more details on giveaways and how to get discounts on your next service. Good Luck!
Retails for $19
You can purchase it at
Split-Enz Salon
1095 N. Washington Blvd.
Ogden, UT 84404
Winner will be announced November 15!


Linda Hewitt said...


Linda Hewitt said...


Adria said...

Liked! You're awesome :)

Trever & Carah said...

Shared, followed, and liked :)

Shar said...

I love the way you do my hair!

Shar said...


Shar said...
